Our campaign is directed for all those women who are unknowingly starting to enter to situations of gender violence. We want to show them that they must realize that their ‘’couple’’ can end with their lives. The first signs of gender violence aren’t hits, it can start with a simple message on the phone controlling her, or some other comment like she is poorly dressed and indirectly telling her how to dress, how to act and what say or do.
Then comes the insults and manipulations, everything increase and is a vicious circle from which costs leave.
That is why we want to start dealing with women who have not yet realized that they are starting the cycle and that they still have a way out.

Gender violence is a serious social problem that impacts women of all ages, cultures and socio-economic situations. The greatest obstacle to eradicating it is its naturalization, based on the structural inequality of power that exists between women and men. It constitutes an attack on the right to life, security, freedom, and dignity of women and, therefore, an obstacle to the development of a democratic society. 1 of 3 women in the world is mistreated by the mere fact of being a woman. In Spain 1 of 10 women suffer from gender violence throughout their lives. Only 27% of battered women dare to report, so more than one and a half million women in Spain don’t receive any help because they haven’t broken the silence and are invisible to society and administrations.
With our campaign we want to show to all women that gender violence is in the slightest word, and can end with their death.
If he hits you, he doesn’t love you.
If he insults you, he doesn’t love you.
If he shouts you, he doesn’t love you.
If he can end with your life, you can end with gender violence.